Lesser racial traits
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Stars! race design concepts | |
PRTs | HE · SS · WM · CA · IS · SD · PP · IT · AR · JOAT |
LRTs | IFE · TT · ARM · ISB · GR · UR · MA · NRSE · CE · OBRM · NAS · LSP · BET · RS |
Other | HG · HP · -f · QS · 1WW / OWW · Immunities · Habitability · Economics · Technology · Abbreviations |
Note: After 4 LRTs each LRT is increasingly expensive until even negative LRTs begin costing you RW points. There is also a cost for having four or more negative LRTs without any positive LRTs, or vice versa.
Positive LRTs
Improved Fuel Efficiency (IFE)
- Ships burn 15% less fuel
- Fuel Mizer and Galaxy Scoop available
- Increases starting Prop tech 1 level
Total Terraforming (TT)
- Begin game able to adjust planetary hab values +/- 3%
- Up to +/- 30% terraforming available in game (with heavy Biotechnology research)
- Terraforming costs 30% less
Advanced Remote Mining (ARM)
- 3 additional mining hulls, 2 additional robots available
- Start with 2 Midget Miners
Improved Starbases (ISB)
- 2 new designs - Space Dock, capable of building small to medium ships, and Ultra Station, a larger weapons platform
- Starbases cloaked by 20%
- Starbases cost 20% less
Ultimate Recycling (UR)
- Scrapping fleets at starbases gives 90% of minerals, some resources
- Scrapping at planets gives 45% of minerals, fewer resources
- Not strictly additive
Mineral Alchemy (MA)
- Mineral alchemy costs 25 resources, produced 1 kT of each mineral
Negative LRTs
Generalized Research (GR)
- Half of total resources devoted to research applied to current field, 15% applied to each other field (totaling 125%)
No Ramscoop Engines (NRSE)
- Engines which travel faster than Warp 4 for free unavailable
- Interspace-10 available, earliest Warp 10-safe engine on the tech tree
Cheap Engines (CE)
- Engines cost 50% less
- At speeds over Warp 6, there is a 10% chance engines won't engage
- Starting Prop tech increased by 1
Only Basic Remote Mining (OBRM)
- Only Mini-Miner hull and Robo-Mini-Miner available
- Maximum planetary population increased 10%
- Over-rides ARM
No Advanced Scanners (NAS)
- Penetrating scanners unavailable
- All conventional scanners have double range
Low Starting Population (LSP)
- Starting population is 30% lower than normal
Bleeding Edge Technology (BET)
- New tech initially costs twice as much
- Cost normal when all tech exceeded by 1 level
- Miniaturization is 5% per level, up to 80% instead of 4% up to 75%
Regenerating Shields (RS)
- All shields 40% stronger than listed
- Shields regenerate 10% after each round of battle
- Armor at 50% of listed strength
- This is by far the most common combination as this gives access to the efficient Fuel Mizer engine while offsetting the cost of IFE.
- This combination is almost universal among races that plan to attack early; frigates and cruisers never use armour, and with rare exceptions can be built at Space Docks.