Order of Events
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- Scrapping fleets (w/possible tech gain)
- Waypoint 0 load tasks (if done by hand)
- Way point 0 Tasks
- Waypoint 0 unload tasks (By hand)
- Waypoint 0 Colonization/Ground Combat resolution (w/possible tech gain)
- Waypoint 0 load tasks (Random player order)
- Other Waypoint 0 tasks
- MT moves
- In-space packets move. Packets that will hit planets decay pro-rated by distance traveled.
- PP packets (de)terraform
- Packets cause damage (Packets impact, oldest first, in planet-id order)
- Planets hit that end up with 0 colonists become uninhabited
- (Player order -lower- determines whose packets hit first)
- Fleets move (run out of fuel, hit minefields (fields reduce as they are hit, lowest # fleets hits mines first), stargate, wormhole travel)
- Inner Strength colonists grow in fleets. Overflows to player owned planets.
- Mass Packets still in space and Salvage decay
- Wormhole endpoints jiggle/degrade/jump
- SD Minefields detonate (possibly damaging again fleet that hit minefield during movement)
- Mining. Including AR waypoint 1 remote mining of colonized worlds.
- Production (incl. research, packet launch, fleet/starbase construction)
- SS Spy bonus obtained and CA Permaforming
- Population grows/dies
- Packets that just launched and reach their destination cause damage (Impacts are in planet ID order)
- Fleets refuel at bases
- Random events (comet strikes, etc.)
- Fleet battles (w/possible tech gain)
- Bombing
- Player 1 bombing calculated
- Retro Bomb, delayed effect.
- Normal/LBU Bomb Damage/OCM Calculated
- Smart Bomb Damage Calculated
- Defences Recalculated (Retro Bombing takes effect).
- Player 2 bombing calculated and so on in order with players 3, 4...
- Planets with 0 pop lose defenses, planetary scanner, invasion tech gain possibility, the production queue, and the insta-terraforming of CA's.
- Player 1 bombing calculated
- Meet MT
- Remote mining
- Waypoint 1 unload tasks
- Waypoint 1 Colonization/Ground Combat resolution (w/possible tech gain)
- Planets with 0 pop become uninhabited
- Waypoint 1 load tasks (Random player order)
- Minefields Decay
- Mine Laying
- Fleet Transfer
- Waypoint 1 Fleet Merge
- CA Instaforming
- Mine sweeping
- Starbase and fleet repair
- Remote (De)Terraforming
- refueling happens after movement and before battle
- If you see a packet will hit your planet next turn and you don't have a freighter already in orbit, there is nothing you can do; the packet will hit before you can build a mass driver or defenses and before you can get any freighter there to move the pop.
- If you plan on abandoning a planet to an ally by moving a freighter to the planet with orders to Set Waypoint to 1(00) on the same turn that the ally moves a freighter to the planet with orders to Unload All, the ally will face your entire population, not just the 100 colonists you had intended (a very painful lesson).
- Remote Terraformers are very effective against narrow-hab CAs since they terraform *after* the CA instaforms.
- Since SD mine detonation occurs between fleet movement and production, the arriving enemy fleet can be damaged while the fleet that you produce that turn can enter combat undamaged.
- If you intercept an enemy freighter going to meet the MT, you can prevent him from trading.
- A fleet that you give away will still be yours until the end of combat (pre-"i" patch allowed waypoint 0 fleet transfers).
- A fleet with a waypoint 0 load task in orbit around a planet that you don't own will not proceed to waypoint 1 (very painful Robber Baron lesson).
- Note that fleet scrapping, remote mining and minelaying can only be carried out as waypoint zero tasks. This means that if a ship has orders to move, and then (eg)scrap itself at the destination, the (eg)scrapping will not take place until the next turn. Exceptions:
- AR remote mining fleets arriving at an inhabited planet
- SD minelayers set to lay mines at WP1 will lay half the mines they would normally lay each year they move
- Smart bombing occurs after nomal/LBU bombing but before defences are taken down. This means smarts cannot get a 1 year kill even when combined, and are best used alone or not at all.
See Also
- Order of Events in the Must Know section at HWF
- See also Order of Events discussion thread in the Academy at HWF
- This wiki page created from the above Must Know OOE at HWF.
- That OOE courtesy of this section of Stars! FAQ which included additions by James McGuigan and credit to SB Posey's Stars! Order of Events