Scanner pane

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<imagemap> Image:Scanner_pane.png| poly 194 0 259 104 259 96 202 0 Path of mass packet, arrows indicate direction and speed, one turn per arrow poly 35 86 35 76 122 13 134 15 134 25 47 87 Wormhole that you have travelled through circle 7 50 8 Opponents planet with opponents fleet(s) in orbit circle 13 95 8 Your planet circle 39 29 8 Your fleet circle 51 47 8 Your planet circle 78 100 8 Uninhabited, explored planet circle 98 68 8 Uninhabited, explored planet circle 89 121 8 Opponents fleet(s) circle 120 103 12 The selected planet, with a starbase(cabable of building ships) and your fleet(s) in orbit circle 155 54 8 Your planet, with a starbase(capable or building ships) circle 154 102 8 Your planet, with your fleet(s) AND opponents fleet(s) in orbit circle 193 38 8 Your fleet(s) AND opponents fleet(s) in close proximity circle 200 115 8 Opponents fleet(s) circle 215 96 8 Your planet with your fleet(s) in orbit circle 257 64 8 An unexplored planet, perhaps with enemy fleets in orbit. circle 224 46 8 Opponents mass packet rect 1 138 192 155 Selected planet's ID, X and Y coordinates and name. rect 0 159 175 175 Distance from the selected fleet to the selected planet desc none </imagemap>

The Scanner pane is your window on the universe, showing what you do and don't know. All the planets in the universe are displayed, along with every other object you know about. When you start the game, all the planets except your home world are displayed as dim gray specks. Once you visit an uninhabited planet, it turns white in the scanner, indicating that you have data on it. All players see the same map, from their own perspective. Learn about the universe by selecting objects and different views. You also assign waypoints for your fleets using the scanner, and can view fleet locations: those owned by you as well as any opponent fleets that your radar can detect.

Read more about the Scanner pane

Full Key to the Scanner

Quick Reference to Scanner Usage

Choosing Your View of the Universe

Status Bar Information


Displaying Player Colors