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===Attractivness Calculator Spreadsheet===
*[[file:target.zip|download target.zip 7kb]]
*source: [http://www.starsfaq.com/download/target.zip offsite download at Stars! FAQ]
*author: [[Art Lathrop]]
Spreadsheet for calculating the relative attractivness (for targeting order during battle) of ship designs
===Battlesim Testbed===
===Battlesim Testbed===
*[[file:battlesim.zip|download battlesim.zip 58kb]]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/battlesim.zip download battlesim.zip 58kb]
*source: [http://www.starsfaq.com/download/battlesim.zip offsite download at Stars! FAQ]
*source: [http://www.starsfaq.com/download/battlesim.zip offsite download at Stars! FAQ]
*author: Ben Setala
*author: Ben Setala
*Superceded by [[#Wumpus's Stars! Battlesim generator]]
*Superceded by [[Utilities/Online Utilities#Wumpus's Stars! Battlesim generator|Wumpus's Stars! Battlesim generator]]
Set of game files for conducting battlesim testbeds in, allows for most PRT/LRT combos and all races are at max tech with all MT components. Unzip into a new directory and edit the links to suit your own directory structure.
Set of game files for conducting battlesim testbeds in, allows for most PRT/LRT combos and all races are at max tech with all MT components. Unzip into a new directory and edit the links to suit your own directory structure.
===Blue's Scout Report===
|[[File:Scoutreport.png|thumb|Report for 19kt Scout]]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/scoutreport.zip  download scoutreport.zip 3.97MB]
*source:[http://blueturbit.com/Starsautomate/scoutreport.zip offsite download] at [http://www.blueturbit.com/stars.html Blue's Stars Page]
*[http://forum.starsautohost.org/sahforum2/index.php?t=msg&th=4659&start=0&rid=78&S=8bc902e1fad88aa88d3e5baeb7291e89 thread] at [[HWF]]
*author: [[BlueTurbit]]
A little program to show possible early scout configurations and their [[technology|tech requirements]] based on ship mass.

===Chaff Sweeping Calculator===
===Chaff Sweeping Calculator===
*[[file:chaffsweep32.exe|download chaffsweep32.exe 87kb]] (self extracting zip)
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/chaffsweep32.exe download chaffsweep32.exe 87kb] (self extracting zip)
*[[file:ChaffMine.zip|download ChaffMine.zip v0.3.2 6kb]]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/ChaffMine.zip download ChaffMine.zip v0.3.2 6kb]
*[http://starsautohost.org/files/ChaffMine.zip offsite download at Stars! Autohost]
*[http://starsautohost.org/files/ChaffMine.zip offsite download at Stars! Autohost]
*authors: [[Dan Neeley]] and [[LEit]]
*authors: [[Dan Neely]] and [[LEit]]
A program that estimates the number of chaff needed to "chaff sweep" a minefield.
A program that estimates the number of chaff needed to "chaff sweep" a minefield.

===Hab kit===
===Dogthinker's HabCalc===
*[[file:hab_kit.zip|download hab_kit.zip 48kb]]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/habcalc.rar download habcalc.rar 87.1kb]
*source: [http://www.stars.stc.ru/filez/hab_kit.zip offsite download at Olden Stars Host]
*Source/Author: [[User:Dogthinker|Dogthinker]]
*author: John Stranart
Similar to [[Utilities/Online Utilities#Craebild's Stars! Overall Planet Habitability and Race Econ Calculator|Craebild's Stars! Overall Planet Habitability and Race Econ Calculator]], you plug in the hab values of your race, and it tells you what the planets you would get would look like... If you went into a universe with a universe where each possible star appeared it's statistical average number of timesonly a a whole lots less pretty and a more accurate. Unlike Craebild HabCalc, this calculates based on the complete set of possible planet values rather than a random sample or a theoretical distribution. To use: edit input.txt, run habcalc and the results will be stored in output.txt.
Hab kit is an excel macro to filter the New Player Reports for habitability. Contains instructions.
===ForceUser's ISAR Calculator===
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/ISAR_1.01.zip download ISAR 1.01.zip 8.19kb]
*source/homepage: [http://www.groep7.co.za/Stars/Zips/ISAR%201.01.zip offsite download] at [http://www.groep7.co.za/Stars/ The Alternate Reality]
*Author: [[ForceUser]]
''"Inner Strength and AR Population calculator. (It's a dos program but should work fine in Windows) I wrote it using Turbo Pascal in Grd 11. It's a simple math equation that you could easily reproduce in Excel or similar spreadsheet. I like it coz it's simple. Asks the right questions and is a small background program."''

===Opt Move===
===Opt Move===
Line 31: Line 41:

===Packet Damage Calculator===
===Packet Damage Calculator===
*[[file:pacal.zip|download pacal.zip 17kb]]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/pacal.zip download pacal.zip 17kb]
*[http://starsautohost.org/files/pacal.zip offsite download at Stars! AutoHost]
*[http://starsautohost.org/files/pacal.zip offsite download at Stars! AutoHost]
*no homepage, originally hosted at [http://ww.starsautohost.org/ Stars! AutoHost]
*no homepage, originally hosted at [http://starsautohost.org/ Stars! AutoHost]
*author: [mailto:abcraig@methane.hf.intel.com abcraig]
*author: [mailto:abcraig@methane.hf.intel.com abcraig]
Program for calculating the impact and effects of packets at different speeds and at different sizes
Program for calculating the impact and effects of packets at different speeds and at different sizes
===Packet Flinger Calculator===
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/MPFC.zip download MPFC.zip v1.3 13.36KB]
*:v1.3 is set up for multiple packet calculations instead of just 1 packet with v1.0
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/pfc.zip download pfc.zip v1.0 10KB]
*author:Chris Spagnoli
A program for calculating optimal packet size & speeds. ''"Mass Destruction Made Easy"''

===Packet Location Calculator===
===Packet Location Calculator===
*[[file:PLC.zip|download PLC.zip 913kb]]
*download: [[local:PLC.zip|PLC.zip v1.0.1 193kb]]
homepage: [http://www.starsfaq.com Stars! FAQ]
*download: [[local:PLC10.zip|PLC10.zip v1.0 204kb]]
*homepage: [http://www.starsfaq.com Stars! FAQ]
*source: [https://github.com/JamesMcGuigan/stars-packet-location-calculator https://github.com/JamesMcGuigan/stars-packet-location-calculator]
*author: James McGuigan
*author: James McGuigan
Program for predicting the future location of mass packets and fleets. Accurate over multiple years. Released under GNU Public Licence, source code included in zip file.
Program for predicting the future location of mass packets and fleets. Accurate over multiple years.  

===Planet Sniffer===
Released under GNU Public Licence, source code included in zip file and now hosted on github
*[[file:Planet%20Sniffer.rar|download Planet Sniffer.rar 332kb]]

===Population Growth Rate Formula===
*[[file:pben3.zip|download pben3.zip 136kb]]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/RWCalc.sfx.exe download RWCalc.sfx.exe v0.35beta 304kb]
* source: [http://spaceproject.narod.ru/starsdown/RWCalc.sfx.exe offsite download at ???? ? Stars!]
===S.B.Posey's Spreadsheet===
*author: Piotr Marasz
*[[file:posey.zip|download posey.zip 107kb]]
Graphically displays resource,population,mines & factory growths.
*homepage: [http://members.aol.com/sbposey/stars.html Stephen Posey's Stars! Page]
Expansive spreadsheet for calculating most of the guts within stars, including jamming, movement, cloaking, colony projection, planet habitability, tech trade probabilities, research timescales, minefields and more

===Stars! Calculator===
===Stars! Calculator===
*[[file:Starscal2.5.rar|download Starscal2.5.rar v2.5 155kb]]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/Starscal2.5.rar download Starscal2.5.rar v2.5 155kb]
*[[file:Starscal3.06.rar|download Starscal3.06.rar v3.06 217kb]]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/Starscal3.06.rar download Starscal3.06.rar v3.06 217kb]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/starscal3.06.hlp.zip download starscal3.06.hlp.zip 15.6kb]
The single most useful calculator for Stars! around.

===Stars! Xpert===
===Stars! Xpert===
*[[file:Strxprt.zip|download Strxprt.zip 123kb]]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/Strxprt.zip download Strxprt.zip 123kb]
*[http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Stage/2592/Strxprt.zip offsite download at homepage]
*[http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Stage/2592/Strxprt.zip offsite download at homepage]
*homepage: [http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Stage/2592/xpert.html Jeff Donville's Stars! Xpert Page]
*homepage: [http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Stage/2592/xpert.html Jeff Donville's Stars! Xpert Page]
The Xpert is a calculator for cloaking, bombing, packet damage, weapons damage (with respect to capacitors, deflectors, computers and jammers), fuel consumption, and planetary resources.
The Xpert is a calculator for cloaking, bombing, packet damage, weapons damage (with respect to capacitors, deflectors, computers and jammers), fuel consumption, and planetary resources.

===Terraforming Spreadsheet===
*[[file:TerraForm.zip|download TerraForm.zip 538kb]]
These all require Microsoft Excel of varying versions. A viewer is available from [http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2000/xlviewer.aspx Microsoft downloads]
====Attractivness Calculator Spreadsheet====
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/target.zip download target.zip 7kb]
*source: [http://www.starsfaq.com/download/target.zip offsite download at Stars! FAQ]
*author: [[Art Lathrop]]
Spreadsheet for calculating the relative attractivness (for targeting order during battle) of ship designs
====Bombardment Spreadsheet====
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/Bombardment.zip download Bombardment.zip 2kb]
*source: [http://www.stars.stc.ru/filez/Bombardment.xls offsite download at Olden Stars Host]
Russian excel file for calculating packet damage(I think)
:description at Olden Stars Host: Рассчёт бомбардировок в Exel
====Bombing Spreadsheet====
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/bombing_95.zip download bombing_95.zip 7kb]
*source: [http://www.stars.stc.ru/filez/bombing_95.xls offsite download at Olden Stars Host]
Excel file for calculating population & installation kills from mixed bombing fleets.
====Dog's Multiple-Packet Calculator====
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/dpacket3.zip download dpacket3.zip 15kb]
For calculating the damage done by multiple packets and bombs.
====Inner Strength ORGY Calculator====
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/InnerStrengthORGY_v2.xls download InnerStrengthORGY_v2.xls v2.1 22kb]
*Author: P.A.Gregory
It tells you how much pop you need to hold at 300% with your orgy, as well as telling you how many resorces you will produce. It also has a ground combat calculator to tell you how many babies you need to drop out of your freighters to destroy your enemies HW. Includes calculation for population required on Red planets, as well as planets below 5% that have the capacity of 5% worlds. [http://starsautohost.org/sahforum/index.php?t=msg&th=4528&rid=78&S=c3fc1ab2703cb68c3948f18093ed10a6&pl_view=&start=0#msg_46085]
====Per's Terra-Hab-Tool====
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/Pers-terra-hab-tool_v1.03.zip download Pers-terra-hab-tool_v1.03.zip v1.03 1.21Mb]
*[http://stars.arglos.net/download/Pers-terra-hab-tool_v1.03.zip offsite download] at [http://stars.arglos.net/#tools Altruist's Collection of Strat & Tact]
*author/source: Per Rindom
Click a button and automatically your and your allies p-files get loaded, sorted and a hab-value-comparison of the planets will be calculated for you and/or your allies (extremely helpful in alliances and much easier to use than the other tools I know). Additionally see how much improvement 1-10 units of terraforming gives you and several other features.
====Population Growth Rate Formula====
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/pben3.zip download pben3.zip 136kb]
*author:Paul Benjamin
Excel spreadsheet for determining the effectiveness(vis a vis population growth) of exporting population between two planets. Includes an explanatory html file on how growth works.
====Race Information====
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/raceinfo.zip download raceinfo.zip 11.2kb]
*source/author: [ftp://members.aol.com/sbposey/stars/raceinfo.zip offsite download at Stephen Posey's Stars! Page]
*homepage: [http://members.aol.com/sbposey/stars.html Stephen Posey's Stars! Page]
Feed it race screen info and get max factories/mines/resources/hab clicks/starting tech levels
====S.B.Posey's Spreadsheet====
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/posey.zip download posey.zip 101kb] Version 2.32d. Uploaded 10-Apr-2013 [http://forum.starsautohost.org/sahforum2/index.php?t=msg&th=5276&start=0&rid=1464]
Possible correction pertaining to  ship/starbase cost might be required in this version. [http://starsautohost.org/sahforum2/index.php?t=msg&th=4527&start=0&rid=78&S=c3fc1ab2703cb68c3948f18093ed10a6]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/posey.original.zip download posey.original.zip 107kb]
*source/author: [ftp://members.aol.com/sbposey/stars/starsxls.zip offsite download at Stephen Posey's Stars! Page] (offline)
*homepage: [http://members.aol.com/sbposey/stars.html Stephen Posey's Stars! Page]
<!--* Online: [http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pLOVVc4d4KeSqBuzDTRglUA as a Google Document Spreadsheet]<!-- and [[Posey's Spreadsheet |Embedded here]]-->
Expansive spreadsheet for calculating most of the guts within stars, including jamming, movement, cloaking, colony projection, planet habitability, tech trade probabilities, research timescales, minefields and more.
====Terraforming Spreadsheet====
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/TerraForm.zip download TerraForm.zip 538kb]
*source: [http://www.starsfaq.com/download/TerraForm.zip offsite download at Stars! FAQ]
*source: [http://www.starsfaq.com/download/TerraForm.zip offsite download at Stars! FAQ]
*Contains Visual Basic scripts
*Contains Visual Basic scripts
Line 71: Line 143:
Spreadsheet for calculating the most optimal order for terraforming planets in an alliance.
Spreadsheet for calculating the most optimal order for terraforming planets in an alliance.

*[[file:teamtt8.zip|download teamtt8.zip 76kb]]
*[https://wiki.starsautohost.org/files/teamtt8.zip download teamtt8.zip 76kb]

*author: overworked(OWK)
*author: overworked(OWK)
This is the second generation of the Ugly_TT spreadsheet for calculating terraforming values and "best race" to colonize a given planet.
This is the second generation of the Ugly_TT spreadsheet for calculating terraforming values and "best race" to colonize a given planet.

Latest revision as of 23:37, 19 September 2024

See also Utilities | Index | Downloads | Patches and versions | Related Websites | Technical Information
Game setup | References | Calculators | In-game information processing and sharing | m and x file management | Online Utilities


Battlesim Testbed

Set of game files for conducting battlesim testbeds in, allows for most PRT/LRT combos and all races are at max tech with all MT components. Unzip into a new directory and edit the links to suit your own directory structure.

Blue's Scout Report

Report for 19kt Scout

A little program to show possible early scout configurations and their tech requirements based on ship mass.

Chaff Sweeping Calculator

A program that estimates the number of chaff needed to "chaff sweep" a minefield.

Dogthinker's HabCalc

Similar to Craebild's Stars! Overall Planet Habitability and Race Econ Calculator, you plug in the hab values of your race, and it tells you what the planets you would get would look like... If you went into a universe with a universe where each possible star appeared it's statistical average number of timesonly a a whole lots less pretty and a more accurate. Unlike Craebild HabCalc, this calculates based on the complete set of possible planet values rather than a random sample or a theoretical distribution. To use: edit input.txt, run habcalc and the results will be stored in output.txt.

ForceUser's ISAR Calculator

"Inner Strength and AR Population calculator. (It's a dos program but should work fine in Windows) I wrote it using Turbo Pascal in Grd 11. It's a simple math equation that you could easily reproduce in Excel or similar spreadsheet. I like it coz it's simple. Asks the right questions and is a small background program."

Opt Move

  • author: LEit

Utility that allows you to enter max warp and distance and it punches back the optimal warp settings and distance for travelling that distance. Very useful for ship movements that are fuel-limited or time constrained like shifting population or orbital adjustors.

Packet Damage Calculator

Program for calculating the impact and effects of packets at different speeds and at different sizes

Packet Flinger Calculator

A program for calculating optimal packet size & speeds. "Mass Destruction Made Easy"

Packet Location Calculator

Program for predicting the future location of mass packets and fleets. Accurate over multiple years.

Released under GNU Public Licence, source code included in zip file and now hosted on github


Graphically displays resource,population,mines & factory growths.

Stars! Calculator

The single most useful calculator for Stars! around.

Stars! Xpert

The Xpert is a calculator for cloaking, bombing, packet damage, weapons damage (with respect to capacitors, deflectors, computers and jammers), fuel consumption, and planetary resources.


These all require Microsoft Excel of varying versions. A viewer is available from Microsoft downloads

Attractivness Calculator Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet for calculating the relative attractivness (for targeting order during battle) of ship designs

Bombardment Spreadsheet

Russian excel file for calculating packet damage(I think)

description at Olden Stars Host: Рассчёт бомбардировок в Exel

Bombing Spreadsheet

Excel file for calculating population & installation kills from mixed bombing fleets.

Dog's Multiple-Packet Calculator

For calculating the damage done by multiple packets and bombs.

Inner Strength ORGY Calculator

It tells you how much pop you need to hold at 300% with your orgy, as well as telling you how many resorces you will produce. It also has a ground combat calculator to tell you how many babies you need to drop out of your freighters to destroy your enemies HW. Includes calculation for population required on Red planets, as well as planets below 5% that have the capacity of 5% worlds. [1]

Per's Terra-Hab-Tool

Click a button and automatically your and your allies p-files get loaded, sorted and a hab-value-comparison of the planets will be calculated for you and/or your allies (extremely helpful in alliances and much easier to use than the other tools I know). Additionally see how much improvement 1-10 units of terraforming gives you and several other features.

Population Growth Rate Formula

Excel spreadsheet for determining the effectiveness(vis a vis population growth) of exporting population between two planets. Includes an explanatory html file on how growth works.

Race Information

Feed it race screen info and get max factories/mines/resources/hab clicks/starting tech levels

S.B.Posey's Spreadsheet

Possible correction pertaining to ship/starbase cost might be required in this version. [3]

Expansive spreadsheet for calculating most of the guts within stars, including jamming, movement, cloaking, colony projection, planet habitability, tech trade probabilities, research timescales, minefields and more.

Terraforming Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet for calculating the most optimal order for terraforming planets in an alliance.


  • author: overworked(OWK)

This is the second generation of the Ugly_TT spreadsheet for calculating terraforming values and "best race" to colonize a given planet.