What Each Player Needs to Do in a Multi-Player Game
This is just a matter of knowing your player number, opening your <tooltip text="turn file">Turn file -- gamename.mN
These are the turn files. N is a number from 1 to 16, representing the player number. This is the individual file for each player, containing all the data about that player's race and state of the player's empire at the beginning of a turn.</tooltip>, submitting your turn and opening your turn file again when the new turn is ready. If you're playing via e-mail, FTP or in some other remote fashion, the only extra step is sending your <tooltip text="log file">Log file -- gamename.xN
These are the log files. N is a number from 1 to 16, representing the player number. This is the log of orders given by a player for the current turn. This file is submitted, either automatically or manually, to the host program. The host adds the changes to the player's .mN file, and returns that file to the player when the new turn is generated. The host needs these files to update the information about each player from the .hst file before turn generation.
Each time the player opens (or continues) a game, the .mN file is loaded. If a corresponding log file exists, it will also be loaded to update the game's current state.</tooltip> to your host. Read on for the details.
Before the Game Starts
- All Players
⇒ (Optional) Before the host creates a game, use Stars! Custom Race wizard to create a customized race, then give the <tooltip text="race file">Race Description file -- name.rN
This file contains a race description created and saved using the Custom Race Wizard. N can be any number (you can actually use any extension, the default is r1.) You can specify a race file for each non-computer player in the game from step 2 of the New Advanced Game dialog. Once the universe has been created the race file is no longer needed. If you open this file from File (Open), the Custom Race Wizard opens.
The extension of .r1 is the default, and is not required.</tooltip> to the host.
- Modem/Email Players
- Create a playing directory to contain your game files. The directory location is your choice -- to keep things simple, we recommend creating a play directory within the Stars! directory.
- Obtain the <tooltip text="gamename.xy">Universe file -- gamename.xy
This is the universe file, containing information about the positions of all the planets. It does not change over the course of the game. Individual players as well as the host program need to have this file available to them.</tooltip> and <tooltip text="gamename.mN">Turn file -- gamename.mN
These are the turn files. N is a number from 1 to 16, representing the player number. This is the individual file for each player, containing all the data about that player's race and state of the player's empire at the beginning of a turn.</tooltip> files from your host and place them in a playing directory you've created on your own system. N is your player number; for example, if the game was saved under the file name of nonstop, and you are player number 1, your player file would be nonstop.m1.
Place your game files in the same directory each turn.
Starting the Game: All Players
- Start Stars! and click on Open Game from the opening screen.
- Open your player file, <tooltip text="gamename.mN">Turn file -- gamename.mN
These are the turn files. N is a number from 1 to 16, representing the player number. This is the individual file for each player, containing all the data about that player's race and state of the player's empire at the beginning of a turn.</tooltip>.- Note: If you're a network player, these files should be located on a sharepoint designated by your host.
- Your game begins, with your home world displayed on the screen and in the Command, Scanner and Selection Summary panes.
- For your first turn, read the Message pane – it contains tips that help you get started. Investigate your home planet, start basic production and research, and send your scouts out to learn about the nearby worlds.
If you've never played Stars! before, we recommend you play the tutorial game first to learn basic strategies and to familiarize yourself with all the player tools.
At the End of Each Turn
- Hot Seat and Network Players
⇒ Once you finish the turn, select the menu command Turn (Wait for New). Stars! will minimize, waiting for a new turn. When the new turn is ready, it will beep once and flash, while displaying "Turn available".
- Modem/Email Players
- Select File (Save and Submit), then File (Exit). Or, if you're trading turns quickly or leave your computer on for long periods of time, you can also use Turn (Wait for New) -- a much simpler scenario.
- Upload or email only your log file, <tooltip text="gamename.xN">Log file -- gamename.xN
These are the log files. N is a number from 1 to 16, representing the player number. This is the log of orders given by a player for the current turn. This file is submitted, either automatically or manually, to the host program. The host adds the changes to the player's .mN file, and returns that file to the player when the new turn is generated. The host needs these files to update the information about each player from the .hst file before turn generation.
Each time the player opens (or continues) a game, the .mN file is loaded. If a corresponding log file exists, it will also be loaded to update the game's current state.</tooltip> file to the host system.
Exiting the Game: All Players
⇒ If you wish, you can exit the game before or after you finish the turn. You can save your changes or start the turn again if you don't like the way things are going. Read Exiting Stars! for more information.
⇒ If you plan to be absent for a turn or more, follow the instructions in Being Absent from Play.