Things to do
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Not just a list of things to do, but also things we're doing(or trying to do) and how we're trying to do them.
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- Add pages...
- fix erros in pages...
- Maintain reflective articles (articles which reflect things outside Stars!wiki that may change eg Related Websites)
- Maintain reflective articles (articles which reflect things outside Stars!wiki that may change eg Related Websites)
- Expand Quick Fix Pages
Article Library
Wanted Content
- See Also Category:Incomplete pages
- Internationalise/non-english pages
The rest of Stars! FAQ- Article(s) about:
Stars records (eg 192k by 2450 by Varn)- Setting up & issues by OS - *nix,windows 3.1,95/98,XP/vista
- Wormholes [1]
- Customizing Stars!#Remapping
- Learn to play
- other things to attract new players.
- Community?
- More pages for Category:Navigation templates
- Page about the history/current status of Stars! development/copyright
- Ditto Stars! Supernova
- Replace What is Stars! with a meta-about Stars! - commercial history etc. Link out of stock logo on Get Stars! to it.
- Get full size+more Stars! box covers [2]
- Swallow Stars! All Items Table dumper by M.A.2006
- like Weapons but with the icons as well. And one page per table so they can be individually transcluded into other pages.
- Help:Contents
- help with navigating/using the wiki
the plan for Strategy+Players' Guides (+helpfile)
Blend them both into the wiki.
Use categories to identify their pages (if they existed) but update away.
Present a landing page for each guide. This is kind of what we've done instinctively for Stars! FAQ.
Work pages:
- Stars! Players Guide
- Stars! Strategy Guide
- Formulate the result of this process into some sort of structure policy → Learn to play
Stars!wiki Structure/organisation
Entry mechanisms 
Provide entry mechanisms into every section (major or otherwise).
- MediaWiki:Sidebar
- Stars! FAQ
Search- external sites
- Stars! FAQ
- Banner
- Article Library
- Stars! FAQ
- Help file
- 3rd party programs(utils)
- Article Library
- Main_Page
- People+Map
- People+Map
- Footer
Structure mechanisms
- Generally categorise pages by topic, subtopic, type and "section"
- Individual Pages may be in multiple "sections" eg Super Stealth
- Stars! FAQ
- Pages that are answers to FAQs
- Stars! Player's Guide
- Pages that are directly part of the Helpfile/Players Guide (and its additional/support pages) - Containing black and white fact/how to type stuff
- Stars! Strategy Guide
- Pages that are part of the Strategy Guide and its additional/support pages - similar to PG but also includes advice and debatable information.
- Guts
- Pages or (mostly) raw data - infomation overload pages.
- Category:Articles
- Pages in the Article Library - because these are a record, these are exclusive to this section, but should still be generally categorised.
- Nova
- If they move in - position(section size really) uncertain.. eventually, [Category:Original Stars!]?
- Community (not actual category)
- Pages that are about the Stars! community rather than the game (utils, people, map, websites, clones etc)
- Stars! meta (not actual category - yet?)
- Pages about Stars! as a product, game, concept, art, history etc
- Stars!wiki meta
- Stars!wiki:About etc
- other?