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| LRT = Lesser Racial Trait
| | #redirect [[Lesser racial traits]] |
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| Any Stars! [[race]] can have any number of these traits, though it becomes less cost-effective to take more than five or so.
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| ==Advantages==
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| *[[IFE]] - Improved Fuel Efficiency
| |
| *[[TT]] - Total Terraforming
| |
| *[[ARM]] - Advanced Remote Mining
| |
| *[[ISB]] - Improved StarBases
| |
| *[[GR]] - Generalized Research
| |
| *[[UR]] - Ultimate Recycling
| |
| *[[MA]] - Mineral Alchemy
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| ==Disadvantages==
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| *[[NRSE]] - No Ram Scoop Engines
| |
| *[[CE]] - Cheap Engines
| |
| *[[OBRM]] - Only Basic Remote Mining
| |
| *[[NAS]] - No Advanced Scanners
| |
| *[[LSP]] - Low Starting Population
| |
| *[[BET]] - Bleeding Edge Technology
| |
| *[[RS]] - Regenerating Shields
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