Talk:Guts of Minefields
To add into the wiki in April/May 2013.
Mine damage dodge bug applies only when there are 2 ship designs in a fleet, not if there are more than 2.
Data dump
Minefield damage dodge not working?
It doesn't work when the fleet contains Chaff, BBs and DDs?3 Edit - Hmm, it works only with 2 designs in a fleet.
Simply put, a fleet consisting of a chaff, 2 BB and a DD didn't get damaged the way it should have been. The mine damage dodge didn't work right.
A fleet hit a heavy mf and took 6100 dmg as per the message alert. It consisted of 1 QJ5 chaff, 2 scoop BB, 1 FM DD (in that F4 order).
75% is applied to the 1st ship in the fleet and 25% split between the remaining (as the mine damage dodge implies) thus the BBs should have taken 12.5% dmg of the mine damage (which would be further reduced due to the shields of the BB).
(In the ship information, shown in red, as armor damage of 2 @ 10% ) (6100*.125=763, 763/2 (shield protection) = 382 armr. 382/4000 (2 BB armr) = approx 10% damage)
However that's not the case. It ended up with actual armor damage of 2@80% ... which means it tooks a lot more than the 12.5% damage) (note - No intial dmg before hit). Any idea why it took more damage?
From the wiki and the formula it states for calculating minefield damage :
[quote title=From the Stars! Wiki][url][/url]
* For small fleets, 5 ships or less - with multiple designs in fleet: o The first design in the fleet menu (sorted by F4 design order), takes damage as for a single design fleet, but the 500 (600) is modified first by the number of missing/gained engines * 100 (125). The rest of the ships in the fleet take 100 (125) per engine. Missing engines are compared to the number of engines the fleet would have, had all the designs had the same number of engines: Example: 2 nubians [3 engines each - first design] and 2 DNs [5 engines each] = 4 gained engines. ( 500(600) + (100(125) * 4 [gained engines]) = 900(1100) ) * 3 [engines on a nubian] = 2700(3300) / 2 [nubians] = 1350 (1650)dp damage per nubian).
For heavy minefields substitute 2000 (2500) and 500 (600) into the equations [/quote] so 2500 + [600*(3*2)] = 6100 [quote title=Quote:]the rest of the ships in the fleet take 500 (600) damage per engine.[/quote] So 600 * 4 *2 = 4800 Hmm, calculation is in line with what happened in the game... [color=red][size=2][b]But, whatever happened to the mine damage dodge? [/b][/color][/size] [quote title=Mine Damage Dodge]If you have two different ships in one fleet, the first one in your design pool will take 4/5 of the damage, and the second one will take 1/5. {quote LEit} [url=] 41&start=0&rid=1464[/url] [/quote] [size=2][color=red]Why didn't the BBs get hit with 12.5% minefield damage and end up with 10% armor damage? Why did they end up with 80% armr damage? [/color][/size]
Edit - Don't tell me that it works only with 2 designs in a fleet and not when there are 3 or more?!?
[quote title=My original post.I asked the question... and then found part of the answer myself.] First question - mine damage calculation As per my understanding of heavy minefield damage, the total damage to the fleet should have been 5900. = (QJ5 Chaff, scoop * 4 engines *2 BB, DD FM sweeper) = (500*1 ++ (600 * 4)*2 ++++++++ 600*1 = 5900. So, how 6100? Any ideas how the damage was calculated? [/quote]
[quote title=From the Stars! Wiki][url][/url]
* For small fleets, 5 ships or less - with multiple designs in fleet:
(snip - see above)[/quote] so 2500 + [600*(3*2)] = 6100. Ok, first question answered. Hmmm. Gained/missing engines.. wtf! Nice to know, nonetheless.
Edit 42 - So basically I just need to post and then while making sure the post makes sense, I end up answering myself.. :roll:
End of post..
Data dump