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August 16, 1997 ====================================================================== V2.6f UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ====================================================================== * There was no 2.6e. Version numbering for the registered shareware and retail versions is now in sync. * Stars! 2.6f can read files created by any version from 2.60 to 2.7f. * Version 2.6f is 100% play compatible with version 2.7f. Neither is play compatible with any previous version. * Prior versions will not be able to read files created by the "f" release. To upgrade to Stars! 2.6f from older versions: In a multi-player game the players should submit their turns with their current version and then the host should upgrade to 2.6f before generating the new year, and the players should upgrade to 2.6f or 2.7f before loading their new turns. ====================================================================== V2.6f CHANGES ====================================================================== Changes for Stars! 2.6f: Fixed bug where ships were not removed from production queues when the design was deleted if no ships of that design existed All progress on other starbases in the production queue is undone when the current starbase goes away Mineral packets flung by Packet Physics races are no longer reduced to 1/3 damage Failed cargo transfers to other players no longer halt turn generation Non-Alternate Reality remote miners no longer use the homeworld mineral concentration floor value Remote mining is now limited to the equivalent of 4000 mines per fleet Fixed problem where editing the Chicken battle plan created a duplicate plan and ate the Sniper plan Can no longer give a player ships if they already have 512 fleets Improved initial spacing of players for 3-way battles Players can't steal from other players using remote miners any more Enemies can no longer transfer cargo to your fleets Other players' est. pop values are no longer divided by 100 in dump files All fleets now include the owner's race name in dump files Fleet location now listed by name if at a planet in dump files Multiple fleets bombing one planet are now treated as one large fleet Ships can no longer become 100% damaged without dying Routed mining ships clump into usable sized fleets Players can no longer create too many minefields or mineral packets Sends player a message when minelaying fails due to too many fields Host now does a better job of detecting corrupt log (.x) files Inactive players no longer try colonizing with non-colonizer ships Anti-Matter Generators now continue to work on ships given away Warp gauge no longer shows danger color at warp 10 for warp 10 engines Seriously over-cloaked ships no longer appear as if they were uncloaked Minefield hit reports are less likely to display the wrong owner name Cybertron AIs no longer accidentally give other players colonists Now prevent colonists from being automatically dumped in deep space Fleets that should have been dead and not written out are now ignored Loading log files with mergers of missing fleets no longer crashes Empty fleets are no longer saved under any circumstances ================================ Changes from 2.6c to 2.6d: Fixed crash when viewing battles in old game files and the tutorial. Fixed bug which allowed hosts to see the entire universe. ================================ Changes from 2.6b to 2.6c: Added a Most Recently Used File list. Fleets intercepting other fleets which split up now pick new targets. Detonating mine fields are shown in purple. Added a [Fonts] section to Stars.ini so that players can override the default names of the standard fonts. This is important for non-English versions of Windows. This fixes the frequently reported overlapping race names in the Score dialog bug. If this section or any specific font does not appear in the ini file we'll use the default names. [Fonts] Arial=Arial ArialBold=Arial Bold ArialItalic=Arial Italic ArialBoldItalic=Arial Bold Italic Newly started mine fields may be swept the first year they are laid if the sweeping vessel is in the field. Fixed bug when using Claim Adjuster Change of Hearts to remote terraform other player's planets. The terraforming limits are now the extent of the ship's owner, not the planet's owner. Ships given to other players will not create a new hull design if an identical design already exists. Claim adjusters now properly show terraforming abilities for friends. Ships are kept from leaving the universe. Fixed bug with huge mineral packets that could magically produce colonists upon impact. Scrapping your own ships at your own starbases can now give you tech if you received the ship from another player with higher tech. Scrapped fleets now can give a tech level based upon the tech level of the hull scrapped in addition to the parts on the ship. Space Demolition mine layers will automatically lay mines as they travel, if their next waypoint task is to lay mines. Fixed resource production bug on negative worlds with huge populations. Fixed a bug which caused ships with distant waypoints to hit minefields they weren't in. Fixed a bug where SD players would have a detonate checkbox when a ship waypoint was selected. Fixed message inadvertently saying fleet destroyed in your detonating minefield was yours when it wasn't. Fixed problem with Slow Tech combined with Generalized Research. Improved growth curve smoothness. Fixed bug where exceeding stargate limits could create empty fleets. Attacks that damage more than 127 tokens no longer crash. Unloading cargo in deep space doesn't give bogus messages any more. Fleets merging with mine layers or remote miners don't get a free year of work. You can now learn tech by invading other player's planets. Accelerated BBS Play now better reflects true growth rates.
This article is a copy of official release notes originally included with a Stars! patch or full release from Crisium and should not be edited.
- See also Patches and versions