"Sending Files via Netscape (tm)" by Mike Dibb 1997 n/a

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Configuring Netscape (tm) for Sending Stars! Files by: Mike Dibb

Ron Hiler wrote:

> Hi gang,
> Some time ago I'm nearly certain I saw an article on someone's web page
> about how to set up the Netscape Navigator mailer to send Stars! files
> across the net.
> Anyone know where this may be?
> Thanks,
> Ron
> --
> The garbage shute! What a wonderful idea! What an incredible smell
> you've discovered!

I don't recall a web site that provides this information, but if you are looking for the method to set up Nav to handle Stars! files to play by e-mail here it is:


2) for MIME TYPE input: application

3) for MIME SUBTYPE input: stars

4) in the extension box input all Stars! file extension you will be receiving and sending i.e.

xy,r1,m1,m2,m3,m4,...,m14,m16,m16,x1,x2,x3,...,x15,x16 NOTE: input the h? files too if you will be sending and or receiving thoses too.

5) select what Navigator is to do when it finds one of these files: "save to disk" or "Unknown: prompt user".

6) select Ok and you're ready to go.

To cut down on having to type out all the extensions in one string I divide my stars extensions into four MIME SUBTYPE: application/stars for .hst, .xy, and .r1; application/stars-log for .x?; application/stars-player for .m?; and application/stars-history for .h?

I hope this helps.

Your humble servant, Mike Dibb