From Stars!wiki
Item not defined.
Required parameter:
- name=Itemname
Other available parameters:
- iron=iron cost
- bor=boronium cost
- germ=germanium cost
- res=resource cost
- en=energy tech level required
- we=weapons tech level required
- pr=propulsion tech level required
- co=construction tech level required
- el=electornics tech level required
- bi=biotechnology lech level required
- mass=items mass
- desc=item description
{{ItemSpecs|name=Tritanium|iron=5|mass=60|res=10|we=4|pr=7|desc=Not the acutal description of trianium armour, but instead an emaple so you can see how the template works.}}
- Tritanium
- Costs: Iron:5 Boronium:0 Germanium:0 Resources:10
- Tech requirements: Weapons: 4Propulsion: 7
- Mass:60
- Not the acutal description of trianium armour, but instead an emaple so you can see how the template works.