The FileHeaderBlock is always the first block of a Stars! data file, which always start: 10 20 4a 33 4a 33
more recognisable as "� J3J3"
PaulCr described the FileHeaderBlock on HWF: [1]
Stars files start with the following:
0-1 - Size of first block and type (16 bytes, type 8) 2-5 - J3J3 6-9 - Game ID 10-11 - Version 12-13 - Turn No 14-15 - Player No and encryption seed 16 - File Type 17 - Bit 0 (1) - Turn Submitted Bit 1 (2) - Host is using file Bit 2 (4) - Multiple turns in .m file Bit 3 (8) - Game over Bit 4 (16)- Shareware Version
The following utilities read directly from the FileHeaderBlock
- download 36kb
- source: offsite download at DropBox
- author: XyliGUN [2]
StarsFileStat analyses Stars! files and shows what block types are in each of your files, and at the end there will be a note on whether your files contains blocks with any of the 6 remaining unknown ids: 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 41.
Starstat & Starinfo
- download v1.04c 8kb
- author:Hilton Lange
- download v1.0 86kb
- author:blprice
Starstat & Starinfo are otherwise identical DOS and Windows programs, respectively, that report on various aspects of the Stars! gamefiles such as the version, the presence of multiple turns in a .m file etc. Both incorrectly, but consistently, report the Stars version for v1.1a(reports 1.2a), v2.0a(2.65), 2.6i(2.81j) and 2.6JRC4(2.83) game files.