
From Stars!wiki
Revision as of 02:02, 6 February 2011 by Gible (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to Stars!wiki, a resource for and by Stars! players.

(From RGCS): Stars! is an Advanced, Interstellar, Turn Based Strategy Game and a member of 4x genre (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) of PC games. It was written by Jeff Johnson and Jeff McBride with help from Jeffrey Krauss (collectively known as the Jeffs). Written in response to finding a distinct lack of quality games in the genre, it was truly a game ahead of its time. It is by far one of the most strategically in-depth and balanced games in existence. It has kept people addicted for years, and still supports a loyal player community.

A wiki is basically a web site that anyone can edit. The policy for this wiki requires all editors to be registered. Right now, anyone can register, but that may change if wiki vandalism becomes a problem. By making this site a wiki, we hope that we can encourage the Stars! player community to contribute and make this the ultimate resource for Stars! knowledge.