Step 1: Basic Definition (Player Race)
- Custom Race wizard / View Race dialog
Specify/view your race type, name and use of leftover advantage points:
<tooltip text="Race Name and Password">Race Name and Password
Name your race and if you wish, choose a password. The password chosen when a race is created is attached to the race file. While you may change the password during the game, that change applies only to the current game. Opening that race file for use in another game will require proper entry of the original password. Also in order to open or view the race file, you need the password. You may specify a race name only here in step 1.</tooltip>
<tooltip text="Predefined Races">Predefined Races
Selecting a predefined race automatically presets all of the options in steps 2 through 6. Choosing a predefined races doesn't prevent you from changing any option -- they are only provided as a time saver. Each predefined race has specific strengths and weaknesses you can use in determining your playing style and strategies.
Use the Custom Race wizard to learn about the pre-selected attributes for each predefined race and use a race as a starting point for one of your own:
1. Select a predefined race.
2. Use the Back and Next buttons to step through the wizard, noting the settings.
3. Go back to step 1 and select the predefined race that looked the best for your purposes.
4. Fine tune that race using as much of the wizard as necessary.</tooltip>
Leftover Advantage Points -- Surface Minerals
Leftover Advantage Points -- Mines
Leftover Advantage Points -- Factories
Leftover Advantage Points -- Defenses
Leftover Advantage Points -- Mineral Concentration
Once you've set these basic parameters, go to step 2 and specify the primary traits.