Managing Games on Stars! AutoHost

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SAH Host Utility screenshot
SAH Host Utility screenshot

More about Stars! AutoHost

Hosting Games on Stars! AutoHost

More Hosting Topics

One of the five Host Responsibilities Ron lists At Stars! AutoHost is:

As a game host you have secure access to a Host Utility. You must maintain all the information in this utility throughout the game. Usually there is little need to change any of the settings after you set it up the first time. With this utility you can display a custom message on the game page, e-mail players, adjust the time limit on forced turn generation and more.
To Access the Host Utility click on it's button near the top of the game page. All changes made using the host utility take effect after about 3 minutes from the time you activate the changes, if the AutoHost system is running normally. So do not expect action immediately.

There are five main parts to the Host Utility:

  • Turn generation schedule controls
  • Host information controls
  • Game backup controls
  • Game page messages
  • Player management controls

There is also the option to generate a turn immediately and a link to the Host Utility Documentation at Stars! Autohost.