Attractivness Calculator Spreadsheet
- download target.zip 7kb
- source: offsite download at Stars! FAQ
- author: Art Lathrop
Spreadsheet for calculating the relative attractivness (for targeting order during battle) of ship designs
Battlesim Testbed
- download battlesim.zip 58kb
- source: offsite download at Stars! FAQ
- author: Ben Setala
- Superceded by #Wumpus's Stars! Battlesim generator
Set of game files for conducting battlesim testbeds in, allows for most PRT/LRT combos and all races are at max tech with all MT components. Unzip into a new directory and edit the links to suit your own directory structure.
Bombardment Spreadsheet
Russian excel file for calculating packet damage(I think)
- description at Olden Stars Host: Рассчёт бомбардировок в Exel
Bombing Spreadsheet
Excel file for calculating population & installation kills from mixed bombing fleets.
Chaff Sweeping Calculator
- download chaffsweep32.exe 87kb (self extracting zip)
- download ChaffMine.zip v0.3.2 6kb
- offsite download at Stars! Autohost
- authors: Dan Neeley and LEit
A program that estimates the number of chaff needed to "chaff sweep" a minefield.
Hab kit
- download hab_kit.zip 48kb
- source: offsite download at Olden Stars Host
- author: John Stranart
Hab kit is an excel macro to filter the New Player Reports for habitability. Contains instructions.
Opt Move
- author: LEit
Utility that allows you to enter max warp and distance and it punches back the optimal warp settings and distance for travelling that distance. Very useful for ship movements that are fuel-limited or time constrained like shifting population or orbital adjustors.
Packet Damage Calculator
- download pacal.zip 17kb
- offsite download at Stars! AutoHost
- no homepage, originally hosted at Stars! AutoHost
- author: abcraig
Program for calculating the impact and effects of packets at different speeds and at different sizes
Packet Location Calculator
homepage: Stars! FAQ
- author: James McGuigan
Program for predicting the future location of mass packets and fleets. Accurate over multiple years. Released under GNU Public Licence, source code included in zip file.
Planet Sniffer
Population Growth Rate Formula
S.B.Posey's Spreadsheet
Expansive spreadsheet for calculating most of the guts within stars, including jamming, movement, cloaking, colony projection, planet habitability, tech trade probabilities, research timescales, minefields and more
Stars! Calculator
Stars! Xpert
The Xpert is a calculator for cloaking, bombing, packet damage, weapons damage (with respect to capacitors, deflectors, computers and jammers), fuel consumption, and planetary resources.
Terraforming Spreadsheet
- download TerraForm.zip 538kb
- source: offsite download at Stars! FAQ
- Contains Visual Basic scripts
- author: Karl Peninger
Spreadsheet for calculating the most optimal order for terraforming planets in an alliance.
- author: overworked(OWK)
This is the second generation of the Ugly_TT spreadsheet for calculating terraforming values and "best race" to colonize a given planet.