Things to do

From Stars!wiki
Revision as of 20:35, 7 May 2011 by Gible (talk | contribs) (Wanted Content)

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Not just a list of things to do, but also things we're doing(or trying to do) and how we're trying to do them.

Icon thumbsup.gif We've started this

Icon thumbdown.gif Someone should start this

Icon thumbdown.gifIcon thumbsup.gif We might have started this accidentally...

Icon smile.gif We're done (we think)


Article Library

  • Categorize articles.Icon thumbsup.gif
  • import Stars! FAQ article database into Stars!wiki article library Icon smile.gif

Wanted Content

the plan for Strategy+Players' Guides (+helpfile)

Blend them both into the wiki. Use categories to identify their pages (if they existed) but update away. Present a landing page for each guide. This is kind of what we've done instinctively for Stars! FAQ. Work pages:

Stars!wiki Structure/organisation

Entry mechanisms: Icon thumbdown.gif

Structure mechanisms?

  • Categories Icon thumbsup.gif
  • Organise/categories uploaded images icons? logos? screen shots? Icon thumbdown.gif
  • Something else? Icon thumbsup.gifIcon thumbdown.gif

"Sections"/Major categoriesIcon thumbsup.gif


  • make the things to do list more constructive/ and prettyIcon thumbsup.gif