Tech Trade by Scrapping
From Stars!wiki
The guts behind how and why scrapping works found in Guts of tech trading.
For practical purposes, these are the things to remember:
- You must scrap at a starbase belonging to the person receiving the tech.
- It makes no difference if your ally scraps the ships at your starbase, or if he transfers the ships to you, and you scrap them.
- Remember: scrapping is a waypoint zero task only; you cannot scrap the same turn the ship moves.(see sec 3.1, 'order of events in a turn')
- To gain tech in a given field from scrapping, the scrapped ship must contain an item requiring a higher tech level in that field the receiving player possesses.
- The odds of gaining tech from scrapping depend on the number of fleets scrapped, not the number of ships. Scrapping a fleet of 5 ships has the same effect as scrapping a fleet of 1 ship. Split the 5 ships into 5 fleets, then scrap, and the chance of transfer goes way up.
Below is a small table showing the likelihood of tech transfer per fleet scrapped in a single turn, assuming the ship scrapped contains superior tech in one field.
fleets scrapped chance of transfer 1 25% 2 44% 3 58% 4 68% 5 76% 6 82% 7 87%