Perl conversion of starstat utility by ricks03 - 30 Jan 2012

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I'm coming back to Stars! (at least for a while) after a really long time away. I'm really surprised that the Stars community still lives by the closed-source mentality from 10 years ago.

Towards that end, I sat down and converted the starstat utility to something similar in Perl. Mind you, I'm not the greatest programmer in the world, and there's some hacking about in here, but it seems to work ok. Handy if you're a host and want to validate information in Stars! files without a lot of work, esp. if you want to automate it.

I'm not sure how to upload the file itself to the site, but it's just perl, so here you go:

# Read in the data from any stars file to validate it.
# 120129 Rick Steeves
# Version 1.1

@dt_verbose = ('Universe Definition (.xy) File', 'Player Log (.x) File', 'Host (.h) File', 'Player Turn (.m) File',
    'Player History (.h) File', 'Race Definition (.r) File', 'Unknown (??) File');
@dt = ("XY", "Log", "Host", "Turn", "Hist", "Race", "Max");
@fDone = ('Turn Saved','Turn Saved/Submitted');
@fMulti = ('Single Turn', 'Multiple Turns');
@fGameOver = ('Game In Progress', 'Game Over'); 
@fShareware = ('Registered','Shareware'); 
@fInUse = ('Host instance not using file','Host instance using file'); # No idea what this value is.

my $filename = $ARGV[0];
print "File is $filename\n";
if ($filename eq '') { print "Please enter the file to examine. Example c:\\games\\meat.m6. "; die; }

open(StarFile, "$filename");
read(StarFile, $FileValues, 22);

$unpack = "A2A4h8SSSS";
#$Header, $Magic, $lidGame, $ver, $turn, $iPlayer, $dts)
@FileValues = unpack($unpack,$FileValues);
($Header, $Magic, $lidGame, $ver, $turn, $iPlayer, $dts) = @FileValues;
print join(',', @FileValues) . "\n";
#print "Header\t$Header\n"; #Header
print "Magic\t$Magic\n"; #
print "lidGame\t$lidGame\n"; 

# Game Version
$ver = dec2bin($ver);
#print "ver:$ver\n";
$verInc = substr($ver,11,5);
$verMinor = substr($ver,4,7);
$verMajor = substr($ver,0,4);
$verMajor = bin2dec($verMajor);
$verMinor = bin2dec($verMinor);
$verInc = bin2dec($verInc);
$ver = $verMajor . "." . $verMinor . "." . $verInc;
print "Version\t$ver\n";

# Turn
$turn=$turn + 2400;
print "turn\t$turn\n"; #

# Player Number
$iPlayer = &dec2bin($iPlayer);
$iPlayer = substr($iPlayer,11,5);
$iPlayer = bin2dec($iPlayer);
$iPlayer=$iPlayer +1; # Correcting for 0-15
print "iPlayer = $iPlayer\n"; 

# dts
# Convert DTS to binary so we can pull the values back out
print "\n";
$dts = dec2bin($dts);
print "\ndts\t$dts\n";

# File Type
$dt = substr($dts, 8,15);
$dt = bin2dec($dt);
print $dt . ":" . @dt[$dt] . ':' . @dt_verbose[$dt] . "\n";

# These are 1 character, so there's no need to convert them back to decimal
# Turn state (.x file only)
$fDone = substr($dts, 7,1);
#print "fDone\t$fDone\n";
print $fDone . ':' . @fDone[$fDone] . "\n";

# Host instance is using this file (dtHost, dtTurn).
$fInUse = substr($dts, 6, 1);
print $fInUse . ':' . @fInUse[$fInUse] . "\n";

# Are multiple turns included (.m only)
$fMulti = substr($dts, 5,1);
print $fMulti . ':' . @fMulti[$fMulti] . "\n";

# Is the Game Over
$fGameOver = substr($dts, 4,1); # Probably 4
print $fGameOver . ':' . @fGameOver[$fGameOver] . "\n";

# Shareware
$fShareware = substr($dts, 3, 1);
print $fShareware . ':' . @fShareware[$fShareware] . "\n";

sub dec2bin {
  #my $str = unpack("B32", pack("N", shift));
  #$str =~ s/^0+(?=\d)//;
  # This doesn't match stuff online because I changed from 32- to 16-bit
  my $str = unpack("B16", pack("n", shift));
  return $str;
sub bin2dec {
  return unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . shift, -32)));